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Urdu Translation Services

Professional translation at high standards and competitive prices.

One of the Indian languages, Urdu is the official language in India and Pakistan. Spoken by 67 million people, this language is written in the Arabic alphabet. Urdu is also spoken in Nepal. Urdu is a language that can be understood bilaterally with Indian.

At Transistent, we offer professional translation services in many language pairs such as Urdu-Turkish and English-Urdu. We use artificial intelligence assisted machine translations in our high standard services.

You can contact us 24/7 if you’d like to receive translation and interpreting and multimedia services or language solutions in digital marketing and creative services.

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Urdu Translation Services

Experience in Urdu Translations


We have the ability to set up a new team for each project with more than 2500 translator. Since our establishment, we have offered innovative services to tens of international companies in Europe and Middle East.


Checks are performed by editors with industry experience on the texts completed by experienced translators. We make the projects ready to deliver by conducting quality assessment activities with the help of local editors. We also offer notarized or certified translation services, if desired.


Translation services we provide are as follows:

Arabic Translation Memory Management
Professional Serbian interpreting

Urdu Interpreting Services


We work with experienced translators in interpreting. We provide Urdu interpreting services in many areas including live broadcasts, courts, hospitals, video conferences, business meetings, and seminars.


We work with the latest equipment in simultaneous interpreting. Thus we enable organizations participated by hundreds of people to be completed smoothly. We also provide rental services for simultaneous equipment.

Get the best prices for Urdu lingual services in only a few minutes!

Speak the Language of Your Customer with Urdu Localization


However you reach your customers, we eliminate the language problem with innovative solutions of Transistent localization department. We increase the quality of our translation services by means of third party integrations, translation memory, term bank creation, and management services.


You can make localization projects for mobile apps, software, video games and websites. Furthermore, we get compliant results with Play Store and App Store optimizations in projects such as mobile app localization.


You can contact us 24/7 if you’d like to attract customers in countries such as Pakistan and India with localization processes.

Albanian Localization
We offer the most rapid solutions with translation and customer management systems.
Our quality is proven by ISO 17100 & ISO 9001 certifications.
We provide services in all file formats.
Quality control services are provided by native Urdu editors.
We care about safety. Your information is safe with us thanks to our highly advanced software and experts.

Quality Control Services


We offer quality control services as well as processes such as translation. Editors that have experience in print media such as magazines and newspapers enable you to get excellent texts in Urdu.


You can make requests for academic articles, literary texts and all other documents with a quality increasing up to 30%.


We build translation memory and management as part of quality control services. Thanks to the translation memory, we reduce the cost of each new project while shortening the delivery time of project quite a lot.

Turkmen quality control services

Client Testimonials
